From waste to resource: Training young researchers on developing innovative, circular solutions for wastewater treatment sludge - INCLUE


Watchfrog is a pioneering French biotechnology company that was established in 2006. Its primary focus lies in developing cutting-edge solutions for detecting endocrine activity in various samples, including water samples, raw chemical solutions, and cosmetics. Watchfrog’s innovative tests are closely aligned with the principles of the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) animal protection policies, aiming to minimize the reliance on animal models.

At our state-of-the-art laboratory, we specialize in the development of transgenic amphibian and fish embryos. These embryos exhibit fluorescence when a particular biological function is activated or altered. By automating the process of in vivo fluorescence quantification, we can efficiently screen a large number of samples.

Watchfrog has made significant strides in the field of endocrine disruption assays. Currently, two of our assays have been validated and published as OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) test guidelines. Furthermore, we anticipate the validation of a third assay by OCDE in early 2024. These validated assays are now utilized for the regulatory assessment of endocrine activities associated with pesticides and biocides in Europe.

Our company possesses a fully equipped technical platform that adheres to rigorous quality standards. We also operate a specialized technical center dedicated to the breeding and rearing of aquatic animal models. Additionally, Watchfrog boasts extensive expertise in developing novel models utilizing tadpoles (Xenopus amphibians) and fry (medaka fish). To support these endeavors, we maintain a transgenesis platform for creating new models. Notably, all animal-related facilities and client testing procedures are conducted under a Quality Management System.

Overall, Watchfrog is committed to advancing biotechnology and playing a pivotal role in the field of endocrine activity detection, all while promoting ethical and sustainable practices.