From waste to resource: Training young researchers on developing innovative, circular solutions for wastewater treatment sludge - INCLUE

Luca is a Biotechnologist fascinated with microbial abilities which can be exploited to solve anthropogenic problems. After the Bachelor’s in Biotechnology, he therefore obtained a Master’s degree in Industrial Biotechnologies at the University of Padua (Italy).
His experience as a student first, and researcher after, allowed him to cultivate his passion in microbiology, along with the acquirement of expertise in the Anaerobic Digestion field. He then decided to move his career forward.
In his PhD project at KU Leuven, Luca is focusing on the stimulation of micropollutants anaerobic biodegradation from wastewater, towards the obtainment of valuable VFA.
Luca strongly believes in the (un)discovered potential of microorganisms’ application in our lives, with a wide range of applications, from feeding, to power production, to sustainable manufacturing, to pollutant remediation.
Besides the microbial world, he is keen on exploring our wonderful world and loves to cultivate his passion for good food.

You can find Luca on LinkedIn and ORCID.